Saturday, January 16, 2010

Days that get away

Somewhere I misplaced the time I was going to devote to posting photos today. It's not that I didn't have any photos. I took more than 200 photos when I walked from Watt and Kings Way to home on Thursday.

When putting together yesterday's birds, I set aside four photos for today -- all plant life -- with the intention of saying something.

But now it's after 11 p.m. I've just finished two glasses of wine and "Angels and Demons" and I'm simply not up to being any more creative than this. So here goes.

This is the second try at photographing this flower. The earlier attempt was so lackluster that I didn't include it. I would prefer to have managed a broader depth of field. After all, this was one day when I actually had some sunlight to help. Still the balls of dew nestled in the petals makes this at least marginally interesting.

This is one of the borderline choices. I liked the light more than the flower. Someday a little sunlight won't be so exceptional. But under the Central Valley's persistent winter blanket a little celebration of sunlight is in order.

Speaking of sunlight, the slanting rays of the winter morning sun created a striking pattern in a hedge. That light and dark captures winter's starkness.

Next to the tangle of vines was a yellow rose in amazingly good shape for so late in winter.

And down the street I found these flowers, still sleepy and not quite ready to greet the day.

Day 38 of 365

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