Friday, April 30, 2010

Pom-pons grow on trees

I was standing on the sidewalk taking a picture of this tree.

"Are you taking a picture of this tree?" said the voice behind me.

"Yes," I said without turning around.

I took more photos of the tree, the shutter release adding the punctuation to my declartion.

"Wasn't sure," the voice said. "Thought maybe you were taking a picture of my house."

I stopped taking pictures of the tree and turned around. The voice belonged to a gray-haired man of slender build, maybe 5-6.

"No," I said. "I'm taking pictures of your neighbor's tree."

"Oh, OK," he said.

I returned to taking photos of the tree. The tree wasn't all that interesting but now I couldn't stop until I was sure the guy had no doubt of what I was doing.

Day 142 of 365

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