Thursday, February 4, 2010

A cat's life

Enough of the flower porn. I know that the 14 people who subscribe to this blog's feed prefer cat photos. So here you go.

Our black cat, Shadow, has finally mastered the cat door. Shadow is just this side of being feral and the scaredy-cat made three passes past the window to summon me before he could summon enough courage to enter the front door.

Our lone female cat loves to scratch. When she was a kitten I would play with her until my hands looked like a botched suicide. As an old spinster she has a quick temper. Petting is OK and then it is not. If you are not quick, she'll claw you.

Cardiel is the family climber. Or, more to the point, jumper.

He has this need to be on top.

Not that he stays, mind you. It's just jump up, walk around, jump down. Go somewhere else. Do stuff. A cat's life.

Day 57 of 365

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